Tigers eye is an awesome stone for working on clairvoyance and intuition. Tigers eye is also very helpful for grounding in times when feeling scattered or anxious. You can find this gemstone in just about any jewelry store, as it's fairly common at least among new-age shops. It's also worth noting that people who are sensitive to minerals should beware.
The Tiger Eye stone, which is connected to both the root and sacral chakras, has a plethora of wonderful therapeutic capabilities and advantages that assist to balance physical and emotional wellness in one fell swoop. The Tigers Eye is more than just a gorgeous face; it's a reminder to tap into inner strength, to stand a little straighter, and to quit destroying oneself since all the light and love one needs is already within. Tiger's Eye is all about bringing stunning self-confidence to the surface rather than hiding it.
Height Ranges - 6.5 - 7.5cm
Weight Range - 22-34g