Garden Quartz Meaning
Garden Quartz is a beautiful stone which is also know as lodolite, landscape quartz, or scenic quartz. Garden Quartz comes in a range of colours which can include green, cream, red, orange and grey. It is a popular crystal which contains many natural minerals from the earth. Garden Quartz is said to emits strong energies.

Garden Quartz Sphere / Clear Quartz Ball
A Garden Quartz sphere has a beautiful vibration and can be very useful with healing. The Garden Quartz Sphere aides in emotional healing by releasing early childhood memories. It can also help relieve past-life trauma which may have caused fear or stress. The clear quartz ball represents a perfect shape and the healing energies associated to a clear quartz ball emanate throughout the crystal.
Garden Quartz Meaning
Garden Quartz is a stunning stone. As a stone, The Garden Quartz Meaning is focused on encouraging your inner dreamer. It helps stimulate the creative mind and sharpens your awareness of your life path and your destiny.
Garden Phantom Quartz
Garden Phantom Quartz , or Lodolite, is in fact one of the most fascinating types of rock crystals or quartz. Garden Phantom Quartz is in essence, a crystal formed in a bigger crystal. By nature, Lodolite is a loving and gentle stone that brings harmony.
Red Garden Quartz Meaning
Red Garden Quartz is considered to be a guardian gemstone that is the best suited for improving communication skills. Many people also use this to improve luck at home and luck in love. Red Garden Quartz is said to have the power to amplify human intuition and help sense invisible energy.
Lodolite Garden Quartz Crystal
Lodolite garden Quartz crystal is a Clear Quartz with other minerals inside it. These minerals include Hematite, Chlorite, Feldspar and many other minerals that are, maroon, orange, cream, green, brown, and other colours.
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Energy work and Crystal healing are not to be considered as a substitute for traditional medical treatment. If either you, or someone you know, has a serious health issue, you or they should consult their own doctor and/or other appropriate professional medical practitioner, and make complementary healing part of a complete health care program. Customers should be advised that crystals and stones are not recommended for small children and they should only be used by children under adult supervision. Crystals and stones can have sharp edges. Small stones and crystals should never be left near babies and toddlers.