Aquamarine's calming, go-with-the-flow vibrations make it an ideal crystal healing aid. Aquamarine aids physical healing as well as opening and activating the heart chakra, the energy centre connected with unconditional love and compassion.
It fosters honesty, trust, and letting go, and is relaxing, soothing, and purifying. Aquamarine was once thought to be the treasure of mermaids, and sailors used it as a charm of good luck, bravery, and protection. It was also thought to be a stone of inexhaustible youth and happiness.
Appropriate Weights and Measurements
A - Weight - 60g Measurements - 4.9 x 3.5cm
B - Weight - 167g Measurements - 6.4 x 3.7cm
C - Weight - 51g Measurements - 5.8 x 3.0cm